Khmer alphabet

Type Abugida
Languages Khmer
Time period c. 611–present[1]
Parent systems
Child systems Thai
Sister systems Mon
Old Kawi
ISO 15924 Khmr, 355
Direction Left-to-right
Unicode alias Khmer
Unicode range U+1780–U+17FF,
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols.

The Khmer script (អក្សរខ្មែរ; âksâr khmêr[2]) is an alphasyllabary script used to write the Khmer language (the official language of Cambodia). It is also used to write Pali among the Buddhist liturgy of Cambodia and Thailand.

It was adapted from the Pallava script, a variant of Grantha descended from the Brahmi script of India.[3] The oldest dated inscription in Khmer was found at Angkor Borei in Takev Province south of Phnom Penh and dates from 611 AD.[4] The modern Khmer script differs somewhat from precedent forms seen on the inscriptions of the ruins of Angkor.



Khmer is written from left to right with multiple levels of character stacking possible. Originally, there were 35 consonants, but only 33 are now in use for modern Khmer. The vowel system consists of independent vowels and dependent vowels. The dependent vowels have two registers of phonemes to account for the that fact that there are fewer vowel graphemes for the vowel phonemes in the spoken language. Khmer also uses diacritics that further enhance the pronunciation of words.


Several styles of Khmer writing are used for varying purposes. The two main styles are âksâr chriĕng (lit., slanted script) and âksâr mul (lit., round script).[2]


There are 35 Khmer consonant symbols, although modern Khmer only uses 33, two having become obsolete. Each consonant has an inherent vowel of /ɑ/ or /ɔ/. These inherent vowels are used to determine the pronunciation of the two registers of vowel phonemes represented by the diacritical vowels.

The consonants have subscript forms that are used to write consonant clusters. Also sometimes referred to as "sub-consonants", subscript consonant resemble the corresponding consonant symbol but in a miniscule form. In Khmer, they are known as cheung âksâr (ជើង​អក្សរ), meaning the foot of a letter. Most subscript consonants are written directly below other consonants, although subscript r is written before while a few others have ascending elements which appear after. Subscript consonants were previously used to write final consonants. This method of writing has ceased in modern written Khmer but is retained in the word aôy (ឲ្យ, /aːoj/).

Consonants Subscript form UN romanization IPA
្ខ khâ kʰɑ
្ឃ khô kʰɔ
្ង ngô ŋɔ
្ច châ
្ឆ chhâ cʰɑ
្ជ chô
្ឈ chhô cʰɔ
្ញ nhô ɲɔ
្ដ ɗɑ
្ឋ thâ tʰɑ
្ឌ ɗɔ
្ឍ thô tʰɔ
្ថ thâ tʰɑ
្ធ thô tʰɔ
្ប ɓɑ
្ផ phâ pʰɑ
្ភ phô pʰɔ
្វ ʋɔ
្ឝ shâ -
្ឞ ssô -
្ឡ *
្អ ʔɑ

* The subscript for the consonant is included in Unicode although its usage in modern Khmer is generally non-existent.

For some phonemes in loanwords, the Khmer writing system has 'created' supplementary consonants. Most of these consonants are created by stacking a subscript under the character for /hɑ/ to form digraphs. The consonant for /pɑ/, however, is created by using the diacritical sign called musĕkâtônd over the consonant for /bɑ/. These additional consonants are mainly used to represent sounds in French and Thai loanwords.

Digraph consonants UN romanization IPA
ហ្គ ɡɑ
ហ្គ៊ ɡɔ
ហ្វ fâ, wâ ,
ហ្វ៊ fô, wô ,
ហ្ស žâ, zâ ʒɑ,
ហ្ស៊ žô, zô ʒɔ,

Dependent vowels

The Khmer script uses dependent vowels, or diacritical vowels, to modify the inherent vowels of consonants. Dependent vowels are known in Khmer as srăk nissăy (ស្រៈនិស្ស័យ) or srăk phsâm (ស្រៈផ្សំ). Dependent vowels must always be combined with a consonant in orthography. For most of the vowel symbols, there are two sounds (registers). The sound of the vowel used depends on the series (the inherent vowel) of the dominant consonant in a syllable cluster.

Un romanization IPA
a-series o-series a-series o-series
អា a éa iːə
អិ ĕ ĭ e ɨ
អី ei i əj
អឹ œ̆ ə ɨ
អឺ œ əːɨ ɨː
អុ ŏ ŭ o u
អូ o u oːu
អួ   uːə  
អើ aeu eu aːə əː
អឿ eua ɨːə
អៀ iːə
អេ é eːi
អែ ê aːe ɛː
អៃ ai ey aj ɨj
អោ aːo
អៅ au ŏu aw ɨw
Diacritics UN romanization IPA
a-series o-series a-series o-series
អុំ om ŭm om um
អំ âm um ɑm um
អាំ ăm ŏâm am oəm
អាំង ăng eăng eəŋ
អះ ăh eăh eəʰ
អុះ ŏh uh
អេះ éh eiʰ
អោះ aŏh uŏh ɑʰ ʊəʰ
អៈ eəʔ

For technical reasons, the dependent vowels are seen here paired with the letter (KHMER LETTER QA in Unicode) as not all browsers will display them by themselves correctly.

Independent vowels

Independent vowels are non-diacritical characters used to represent vowel phonemes occurring at the beginning of syllables. In Khmer they are called srăk penhtuŏ (ស្រៈពេញតួ) which means complete vowels.

UN romanization IPA
â ʔɑʔ
a ʔa
ĕ ʔe
ei ʔəj
ŏ ʔ
ŭ ʔu
ŏu ʔɨw
rœ̆ ʔrɨ
lœ̆ ʔlɨ
é ʔeː
ai ʔaj
, aô, aôy ʔaːo
âu ʔaw


Diacritics Name Notes
 ំ nĭkkôhĕt (និគ្គហិត) niggahita; nasalizes the inherent vowels and some of the dependent vowels, see anusvara, sometimes used to represent [aɲ] in Sanskrit loanwords
 ះ reăhmŭkh (រះមុខ) "shining face"; adds final aspiration to dependent or inherent vowels, usually omitted, corresponds to the visarga diacritic, it maybe included as dependent vowel symbol
 ៈ yŭkôleăkpĭntŭ (យុគលពិន្ទុ) yugalabindu ("pair of dots"); adds final glottalness to dependent or inherent vowels, usually omitted
 ៉ musĕkâtônd (មូសិកទន្ត) mūsikadanta ("mouse teeth"); used to convert some o-series consonants to the a-series
 ៊ reisâpt (ត្រីសព្ទ) trīsabda; used to convert some a-series consonants to the o-series
 ុ kbiĕh kraôm (ក្បៀសក្រោម) also known as bŏkcheung (បុកជើង); used in place when the diacritics treisâpt and musĕkâtônd impede with superscript vowels
 ់ bântăk (បន្តក់) used to shorten some vowels
 ៌ rôbat (របាទ)
répheăk (រេផៈ)
rapāda, repha; behave similarly to the tôndâkhéat, corresponds to the Devanagari diacritic repha, however it lost its original function which was to represent a vocalic r
 ៍ tôndâkhéat (ទណ្ឌឃាដ) daṇḍaghāta; used to render some letters as unpronounced
 ៎ kakâbat (កាកបាទ) kākapāda ("crow's foot"); more a punctuation mark than a diacritic; used in writing to indicate the rising intonation of an exclamation or interjection; often placed on particles such as /na/, /nɑː/, /nɛː/, /vəːj/, and the feminine response /cah/
 ៏ âsda (អស្តា) denotes stressed intonation in some single-consonant words[5]
 ័ sanhyoŭk sannha (សំយោគសញ្ញា) represents a short inherent vowel in Sanskrit and Pali words; usually omitted
 ៑ vĭréam (វិរាម) a mostly obsolete diacritic, corresponds to the virāma
 ្ cheung (ជើង) a.w. coeng; a sign developed for Unicode​ to input subscript consonants, appearance of this sign varies among fonts

Punctuation marks

The Khmer script uses several unique punctuation marks as well as some borrowed from the Latin script such as the question mark. The period in the Khmer language "" resembles an eighth rest in music writing. Guillemets are used for quotation.


Most consonants, including a few of the subscripts, form ligatures with all dependent vowels that contain the symbol used for the vowel a (). A lot of these ligatures are easily recognizable, however a few may not be. One of the more unrecognizable is the ligature for the and a which was created to differentiate it from the consonant symbol as well as the ligature for châ and a. It is not always necessary to connect consonants with the dependent vowel a.

Examples of ligatured symbols:

léa (/liːə/) An example of the vowel a () forming a connection with the serif of a consonant.
chba (/cɓaː/) Subscript consonants with ascending strokes above the baseline also form ligatures with the dependent vowel a ().
msau (/msaw/) Another example of a subscript consonant forming a ligature. In this case, it is with the digraph dependent vowel au. The digraph dependent vowel au includes the cane-like stroke of the vowel a.
bau (/ɓaw/) The combination of the consonant () and any vowels or digraph vowels based on the vowel a () is written with a stroke in the center of the ligature to give a distinction between the consonant ().
tra (/traː/) The subscript for () is written precedent to the consonant it is pronounced after.


The numerals of the Khmer script, similar to that used by other civilizations in Southeast Asia, are also derived from the southern Indian script. Arabic numerals are also used, but to a lesser extent.

Khmer numerals
Arabic numerals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Khmer was added to the Unicode Standard in September, 1999 with the release of version 3.0. Additional Khmer symbols were added to the Unicode Standard in April, 2003 with the release of version 4.0.

The Unicode block for basic Khmer characters is U+1780–U+17FF. Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points:

Khmer[1] chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 6.0

The Unicode block for additional Khmer symbols is U+19E0–U+19FF:

Khmer Symbols[1] chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+19Fx ᧿
1.^ As of Unicode version 6.0

See also


  1. ^ Herbert, Patricia; Anthony Crothers Milner (1989). South-East Asia: languages and literatures : a select guide. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 51–52. ISBN 0824812670. 
  2. ^ a b #Huffman
  3. ^ Punnee Soonthornpoct: From Freedom to Hell: A History of Foreign Interventions in Cambodian Politics And Wars. page 29, Vantage Press, Inc
  4. ^ Russell R. Ross: Cambodia: A Country Study, page 112, Library of Congress. Federal Research Division, 1990
  5. ^ Unicode Character 'KHMER SIGN AHSDA' (U+17CF)


External links